Karen Knowler
Raw Food Coach |
Just this past week I have made an effort to eat mostly raw foods. I have lost 3 1/2 pounds already! I am looking to a raw food coach, Karen Knowler, for inspiration, recipes and menu ideas.
For some time now I've been the owner of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Eating Raw. It's a good place to start to get information about this lifestyle choice. Obviously the internet has a myriad of resources which I am discovering daily! Raw food is about eating food that is not cooked, or at least, not cooked at a temperature of over 115 degrees. Cooking foods reduces the nutrients in most foods. There is the occassional food that releases more of it's nutrients when warmed.
I am waiting for my Excalibur dehydrator to show up at my doorstep any day now so that I can expand my raw food choices!
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